Master Mary’s Taekwondo Academy

Senior Master Instructor Mary Smith has been teaching people self-discipline, confidence, and self-control through the Korean Martial Art of Taekwondo for over 45 years. Mid-way through her career Master Mary was asked by a local home-school teacher to help create a physical education class that her autistic students could participate in. This prompted the development of Master Mary’s unique program, designed specifically for all children including those experiencing varying degrees of developmental disabilities.

Learn more about Master Mary and her unique program.

Why Taekwondo?

Taekwondo, the “art of the foot and the fist,” is one of the world’s most popular martial arts and has been an Olympic event since 2000. Taekwondo is known for its emphasis on kicking techniques, which distinguishes it from other martial arts such as Karate or the southern styles of Kung Fu. Taekwondo develops strength, speed, balance, flexibility, stamina; and improves self discipline, self control, and self esteem.